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The Black Lotus (Night Flower) Page 24
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Page 24
“Nothing happened, Jane was there and we talked.” Melissa was reluctant to pass on details of her carriage ride, yet perhaps Sarah would understand more if she told her. She took a sip from the glass beside her and launched into the tale. She left little out save her trip that morning.
“So he then came here. Oh what did you talk about?” Sarah was gripped now, the sweetmeats forgotten on the arm of the chair.
“Nothing really.” Sarah clucked in impatience. “He does feel for me, but he doesn’t want to stain my reputation by courting me. Father would never allow his suit, so he doesn’t want me to be ruined by his attention.”
“I wonder.” Sarah settled back in her seat and stared at her friend. “I think you’re being startlingly naïve.” As Melissa went to speak, she held up her hand peaceably. “Think of it. He just wants you both to sneak around. It makes it easier for him that way. He gets what he wants and you feel that your reputation is safe. You’ll probably be the talk of the clubs.”
“No that’s not it at all,” Melissa stood up, colour flooding her pale skin. “You don’t understand him at all. I know that I can never be with the one I want to be with, I’ve accepted that.” She pushed aside the little voice that taunted her about her trip that morning. “But I can dream.”
“But Melissa, that’s all it is. A dream and while you have that dream, you won’t give another man a chance. Believe me I know. This one will take advantage of you.”
“I don’t believe he will. You did not see the change in him.”
“Ahh yes, he changed out of sight of others. A calculated plan to gain your sympathy and eventually your virtue, I’d bet.” As Melissa shook her head, Sarah pressed her advantage. “Think. He is a seducer and a cad, I know the temptation of those but they are cruel in their schemes. I would not see you hurt Melissa. Please forget about Justin Lestrade while you still have a chance.”
Burning with humiliated anger and the feeling that she had been treated like a child, Melissa sat back down and swallowed the torrent of angry words that hovered on her lips. Taking several deep breaths, she took a mouthful of tea and tried to calm down. Sarah did not know what she knew and couldn’t understand what she had seen. Quietly she fumed as Sarah moved rapidly onto other topics. As the afternoon wore on, the tense atmosphere faded as Sarah wisely steered clear of Justin Lestrade for the remainder of her visit. As the sun began to drop towards the horizon, Sarah made her apologies and headed home, leaving Melissa alone with her thoughts.
Stepping back into the parlour, she thought about what Sarah had said. Could this be an elaborate ploy to seduce her? Could Lestrade be playing the honourable soul with her, purely to ease her fears? She stopped that train of thought because that certainly did not include his claims to immortality. Troubled beyond thought, she ate a light dinner and headed to her chambers. Jane, having returned from her day out, fixed her a warm drink and tucked her into bed. Beneath the heavy cotton sheets, she tossed and turned as her mind refused to settle. As stillness descended over the large household, she gave up and sat on the window ledge, staring out across the grounds towards the boundary between their estates’ and his home beyond.
Chapter 27
The music swelled as dancers twirled on the dance floor, filling the space with bright colours and extravagant wigs. Sat along the edge of the dance floor, Melissa twirled a crystal goblet absently between her fingers and lost herself in thought. It had been two days since her fateful visit to Justin’s house, two days of fretful wondering about his motives and history. His revelations should have scared her yet somehow she found herself more intrigued by them. A priest would have claimed he was possessed by a devil and perhaps he may be but, she sighed and took a sip from the glass, she could see his heart and it was good. Even with all his dissembling, he could not hide from her. Motes of candlelight danced off the fine crystal and she gently flicked the edge of the glass with her finger. A whisper soft, clear note flowed through the air and she focused on it, cutting out the sights and smells of the crowd. Maybe she was a love struck fool as Sarah claimed. He was a master of seduction with a list of conquests as long as her arm, he could be lying in order to claim her as another one. She nibbled her lip as she tried not to hunt about the room for sight of him. Could he have decided to not come this evening, despite his promise to? Had Alistair prevented him from attending somehow? The last thought hardly bore thinking about and she fidgeted in her seat, discomfited by the thoughts that roamed through her mind. Sarah’s words echoed within her, maybe she shouldn’t pine in the corner and wait for Justin but drag herself back into the social whirl and move on. It was the most sensible option, but not the most thrilling. Her life stretched before her, inflexible, planned and without any ounce of real personal choice. First society and its balls, then marriage to a suitable bachelor followed by children and whatever came after. She could decide not to marry, but without a reasonable allowance she could only become a governess. Choices were few and while she knew that Justin could never be hers, it was nice to dream at least for a little while.
“A beautiful girl like you should not be without a partner.” Startled by the voice close to her ear, Melissa looked up. Hovering near her, was a pair of laughing blue eyes beneath an exquisitely powdered and ornate wig. Her eyes travelled over the unfamiliar countenance with appreciation. He had strong chin with high cheekbones and eyes that laughed beneath pale gold brows. He was solidly built beneath a set of clothes that squarely proclaimed him as a dandy. From the exquisitely embroidered rose coloured jacket and lavender waistcoat to the lace handkerchief that he waved delicately from his left hand, he declared his status to the room. In a flash she noted his high heeled shoes, the well padded calves and expensive watch chain. Hanging from his right wrist, an ivory fan dangled from a silk strap. The effect of all this fashion on such a solid frame tickled and stirred a hefty desire to laugh. Determining that laughter would surely be the wrong opening for a conversation, she swallowed twice and tried to regain her composure.
“Forgive my intrusion into your thoughts.” His voice was clear and crisp with the slightest trace of an accent. “And for shocking you.” A faint trace of humour tinged his words as though he knew what she was thinking. He indicated one of the spindly chairs nearby. “May I?”
Melissa nodded, her struggle between laughter and politeness had not yet finished and she didn’t fully trust herself to speak.
“I’m Lord Tarlington.” He announced with little preamble.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Melissa murmured after finally getting her emotions under control. She had heard of Lord Tarlington only in passing, he was a notorious dandy and follower of fashion, yet beyond his known love of outlandish garb he had never garnered a reputation for anything else..
“And you’re Melissa De Vire,” He bent over to delicately place a kiss on her hand. “The girl who is being such a burden to our dear Justin.” His words were softly spoken and breathed over her fingers, yet she heard them as clearly as though he had talked to her face. Stepping back, she stared at the exotic stranger, constertion in her face.
“How do you know Justin?” Or me? She wondered to herself as her fingers gripped the goblet a little more firmly. Granted she knew that her behaviour with Montjoy had garnered her some gossip, yet she had only been seen with Justin once in public. How could this dandy know of Justin’s attentions toward her, when she barely knew them herself?
“Oh my dear girl, everyone knows Justin.” He pulled the seat close and leant forward. “He’s a cad but a delightful cad. But enough of him let’s discuss you.”
He settled back in the chair and smiled merrily at her. Melissa watched him with interest. Despite the foppish clothing, his mind seemed to be razor sharp and she regarded him with mild concern. There was little reason for him to approach her and yet the possession he attached to Justin’s name intrigued her. It suggested an ownership of or a familiarity with him that she was unaware of. Despite her misgivings, she decided to sta
y and find out as much as she could about the garishly dressed stranger.
“Me? Why would you have any interest in me?”
“Oh my dear girl, you’re so delightfully modest.” He chuckled as he spoke. “And quite entertaining.” Melissa smiled nervously as he spoke, wondering what she had done to garner his interest.
“I don’t think I follow you sir.” Her voice was crisp, cold and icily polite. She was feeling more and more uncomfortable. The dandy sat too close and his manner was too familiar for her ease of mind.
“Of course you do.” Tarlington insisted drawing himself closer to her. “You slapped Montjoy, which in itself was quite amusing and then you snare our Justin’s interest.” The minuet ended and the orchestra struck up again. “But rather than sit here and let me stroke your ego, I believe you should accompany me on the dance floor.” He stood up and held out his hand. “Will you do me the honour?” Melissa sighed and looked at the stubby fingers of his right hand, toying with the thought of refusal.
“Please come and dance lady.” His voice was softer, cajoling and Melissa saw an entreaty in his eyes which softened her resolve. Reaching up, she caught hold of his hand and he led her onto the dance floor. The music swelled about them as he led her expertly through the steps of the dance.
“So what did you mean when you said ‘our dear Justin’?” At a lull in the dancing, she leant forward and asked the question that had been nagging at her for several minutes. There was a momentary pause and Tarlington looked down at her, eyes appraising.
“Well you are a bold one.” He murmured as executed a neat turn. “What would you say if I told you that we were related?”
Melissa started and looked up at him. It was not possible. Everything she had heard in the last few days, made a relationship between Justin and this man unlikely at the very least. Once again she ran her eyes over the stocky form and found nothing familiar in either his features or gait.
“I’d wonder how you were related.” She answered finally, dropping into a deep curtsey as the music ended. “I thought he only had a brother.”
“Oh he does.” The other replied as he offered her a deep bow. “But he does have a family of sorts.” Holding out an arm he drew her towards a set of chairs on the edge of the dance floor. Settling down opposite her, his face creased into a warm smile.
“Really?” She rearranged her skirts and raised an enquiring eyebrow. “How are you connected then?”
“Not by blood, though we may as well be.” He answered obliquely, neatly sidestepping her direct questions in favour of evasion. “Let’s say that I know Justin well.”
“Oh?” Many questions flooded through her mind. How well did this dandy know Justin? Had Justin mentioned her in the clubs that Gentlemen frequented? Was she the talk of the town? “Does Justin..” She hesitated, wondering if she were breaking protocol with undue curiosity. Lord Tarlington tilted his head questioningly and waited for her to continue. “Does Lord Lestrade speak of me often?”
“On the contrary my dear, he barely speaks of you at all. Which is an intrigue all on its own and quite delicious in its way.” He leant closer, causing her to pull away sharply. “What is so special about you?” He dropped his voice even further as he wondered aloud. “Perhaps you can enlighten me?”
“Lady DeVire.” A familiar intruded into the discussion and Melissa looked up in relief. Justin stood mere feet away from them and his eyes flashed a warning as they alighted on Tarlington.
“Don’t worry dear boy, I’m going.” Tarlington announced as he stood up. “It was delightful to see you my dear. Perhaps we will become better acquainted in the future?”
“I doubt it.” Justin’s voice whipped out and ended Tarlington’s musing. “Miss DeVire is destined for better things.”
Melissa raised her eyebrow and watched as Tarlington nodded in resignation. What was going on? As quietly as he had approached, Tarlington left the scene, leaving her with Justin and her welter of thoughts.
“Please Lord Lestrade take a seat.” She offered, feeling the familiar thrill of excitement as she took in his garb of burgundy and cream. The lotus adorned his neck and she found herself staring at it intently as he slowly lowered himself into the chair opposite.
“Are you well?” It was a formal question, sterile and cold somehow. Melissa felt some of her excitement seep from her as his words weaved around her mind.
“Quite well.” She confirmed in polite tones. “Justin… I...” He held up a hand and glanced to one side. A couple sat close to them, close enough that they could hear the conversation. Cursing herself for her lack of observation, Melissa clamped her mouth shut and lowered her head, hiding her embarrassed blush beneath layers of white powder.
“Care to take a turn?” He offered his arm and she took it gratefully, rising from the chair and heading into the crowd with him. Slowly they walked, moving through the crowd towards the foyer in silence. His fingers gently held her elbow and tiny shocks of excitement flowed through her at his touch. Her mind whirled with reams of unspoken questions and as they found a quieter corner, relief flooded through her.
“Now we can talk.” His face was hidden in shadow, yet she could feel his eyes upon her. “I understand that you will have many questions and I will try to answer them as best as I possibly can.”
Melissa stared up at him, her thoughts twisting chaotically as she tried to read his shrouded face. “Why are you relieved that I know the truth?” She recalled their interrupted conversation and though many other questions clamoured to be heard, this was the one that she needed answering first.
A ripple of motion ran through his body as she felt him relax. With languid grace he leant back against the wall and considered her face. “Because lying is not something that comes easily to me. I have spent years learning to believe this farce of a life and it is good to feel open for once.”
“Very politic.” She answered acidly as she looked at him. “Now tell me the rest.” Melissa knew she should be calmer, less antagonistic but she could not help it, he had ensnared her in his secrets and she needed the truth.
“I am glad you know because I see a kindred soul in you.” Justin spoke in a low tone as his fingers reached out to brush hers. “You have a spark that cannot be dimmed even by the hemmed in life that you lead.” Melissa stared at the long fingers, felt their soft pressure as he clasped the tips of hers. “I saw you across the room at the Palace and you drew me in.” A couple walked through the foyer door and he drew back into the shadow, removing his hand reluctantly from hers. “At first you were a pretty face and only that, something to be wooed.” He lifted his chin and those dark eyes stared off into the distance as he struggled with speech. “Then I spoke with you and something tugged at me.” Pushing himself from the wall in a flurry of motion, he looked down at her face. “Understand it was not love at first sight. Understand that I did sit with you in order to seduce you.”
“What stopped you?” In a voice as hushed as his, she demanded the answer as her fingers worried at the French lace on her sleeve.
“You started to speak and I could see that you were unlike the rest. You have a restless spirit and…” He gave a bark of low laughter. “So refreshingly honest that I found myself disgusted with my selfish desire. You also managed to see straight through me. I am a hedonist Melissa.” He uttered simply, with little guilt or apology in answer to her bewildered face. “My amusements keep me sane but I do not love or even care for those I use. If a girl is willing to offer herself to me, then more fool her,” The words spilled from him in a rush as rapid as water from a burst dam. “Now do you see? I could not seduce you as though you were one of those blue bloods that I see each and every night, because to me you are worth more than a simple dalliance.” The torrent had finished and in the sharp silence that followed only their breathing could be heard. Melissa stood like stone before him, her fingers coiled round the French lace as though it were a lifeline.
“But you would never let it go further,�
�� She whispered into the stillness born of a knowing despair. “You would soon leave because of your secret,” A crushing weight settled on her chest, was this heartbreak? She could scarcely believe it possible, she barely knew him and yet he seemed to hold her heart in his hand.
“I would leave you because I have no choice,” His voice grew soft; all traces of harshness gone from his tones and Melissa could hear the longing deep within. A hand reached forward and caught hers, sudden warmth capturing her cold fingers. “I never meant to go this far. But when I saw you on the road that night, I couldn’t in all conscience leave you there and I had to make sure you were well,” He released her hand and stared at their surroundings as though in turmoil.