The Black Lotus (Night Flower) Read online

Page 23

  “Who are you to call me such things?” She demanded, her voice quavering only slightly as she faced him. “What right do you have?”

  “What right?” Alistair threw back his head and laughed. “I have every right. He gave me that right when he destroyed everything I held dear.” With one smooth movement, he climbed out of the window and stood before her. His dark eyes roamed over her body and he gave her a broad, leering wink. “And am I really saying anything so terrible, forgive me for not knowing that this…” His hands flailed in the air. “This meeting was fully chaperoned and sanctioned by your family. Oh.” He stopped speaking as the colour rose in her cheeks, tinted her face a delicate shade of rose. “Does that mean that you are not supposed to be here?”

  “Leave her be Alistair.” Justin had reached the window and he climbed out after his brother.

  “But why Justin?” Alistair turned to face his older brother and gave a mock smile of concern. “I’m terribly afraid for her. After all it takes so little to destroy a reputation and I’m sure her parents would be so delighted that she has decided to take up with an old rake like you?”

  A knot of anger twisted deep within Melissa and she stood a little straighter, her fists clenched so tight that she could feel the nails digging into her skin.

  “What do you want?” She threw the question into the clear air, each word tense with suppressed anger. “Are you here to warn me once again to stay away from your brother? Are you here to gloat about your night-time excursion to my chambers and the lovely note you left?” Alistair stared at her, his face registering shock at her words, yet Melissa wouldn’t let him speak. She kept talking, a torrent of repressed anger spilling from her tongue as she poured out her frustration.

  “Yes.. I know all about it, all about you and Justin and your curse. I know why you want me to steer clear. Well here’s something for you to chew on, your brother seems to think the same thing. He seems to think that I should be happy to spend my life at the mercy of my parents, my brother and my future husband. He won’t even countenance the thought of a relationship, so really, your warnings and disgusting invasion of my bedroom was completely unnecessary. I have done nothing to be ashamed of, save hoping for something that was foolish. I refuse to stand here and take your abuse.” Alistair flinched slightly as her words raked the air between them and he opened his mouth to reply.

  “Unless that’s an apology, you can hold your tongue, you sad, pathetic excuse for a man.”

  And with that, she turned and ran, back towards the front of the building and Rachel. She heard Justin call out behind her, but she kept going and did not stop until she reached the side of the buggy.

  “Miss?” Rachel asked with alarm as her mistress pulled herself into the small cart. “Are you hurt?”

  “Never mind that just give me the reins!” Melissa called back as she settled into the seat and took hold of the leather strands. Clicking to the horses, she started to turn the carriage.

  “Miss DeVire?” Justin appeared around the side of the building and raced to the slowly moving carriage. Melissa kept the carriage turning, ignoring his cries and the prickling tears of anger that were slowly flowing from her eyes. In the seat beside her, Rachel huddled into the confines of her cloak, almost hiding herself in her fear.

  “Please Miss?” His voice was soft, gently pleading and Melissa relented, pulling the carriage to a stop. “I’m sorry…”

  “You can’t apologise for him.” She snapped back, her eyes flashing. “That’s for him to do.”

  “I wasn’t…” Justin reached forward and placed a hand on hers. “I’m apologising for me. It was wrong of me to bring you into my life, to expose you to him.”

  “Then why did you?”

  “Why?” He sighed and glanced over his shoulder. Alistair appeared around the corner of the house and began to walk across the space between them. “I can’t talk of this with you now. I will be at Lord Horvath’s party and I hope I will see you there. We’ll talk then.” He stepped away from the buggy and smiled at her. “Get home safe.” Melissa hesitated for a brief moment.

  “Miss?” Rachel gently prodded as she watched Alistair slowly head towards them.

  “All right Rachel.” She murmured, before turning back to face Justin. “I’ll see you at the party.” Casting a disgusted look at Alistair, she lightly flicked the lash across the backs of the two horses and steered the buggy away from the house.

  Justin watched the small vehicle trundle clear before turning to face his younger brother.

  “I’m sorry Justin, did I ruin your little tryst?” Alistair noted with a vicious glint in his eyes. “Terribly sorry and all that, though I can certainly see why she has your interest. Has a spark about her, she reminds me so much of Anna.”

  “Was there something you wanted?” Justin asked, coolly, cutting off Alistair’s words with a biting note to his voice. His hands moved to his cuffs and with careful, precise movements he straightened them. “Or did you just wish to play?”

  “Why there was actually.” Alistair replied, heavy emphasis in his voice. “But if you’re busy..” His voice fairly sparkled with malicious glee. “I’m sure it can wait.” He turned back towards the house and began to walk away.

  “Alistair!” Justin snapped. “Out with it.”

  “Alright.” Alistair reached down and plucked a swaying weed from the choked ground. “But you’re not going to like it.” Justin hissed with exasperation and Alistair hastily continued. “I saw John the other night.”

  Justin’s hands stilled as his eyes found his brother’s face. “Are you certain?” He asked slowly, gauging his brother’s reactions as he hoped that Alistair was joking.

  “Positive.” Alistair replied, his voice amused and fearful at the same time.

  “Did he see you?”

  “No. Do you think me that much of a fool?” Alistair turned and began walking towards the house. “But it’s a safe bet that he knows that we’re here. You haven’t exactly made yourself inconspicuous.”

  Justin ignored his brother and stared out across the estate, watching the buggy roll out of sight.

  “So will you be running brother?” Alistair called back over his shoulder as he reached the front doors of the house. “I would.”

  “What and leave you here?” Justin finally turned to face his brother. “You’ve already caused enough trouble.”

  Alistair whipped around and marched forwards, his face dark with anger. “So you’re blaming me for your lady love’s problems?”

  “Well it was not I who broke into her room.”

  “And you think it of me?” Alistair retorted as he stopped just shy of his brother.

  “Frankly yes.” Justin responded, his voice calm and untroubled.

  “Have I fallen so far in your esteem that you would accuse me like this?” Injured pride rang through Alistair’s voice.

  “Oh stop. Don’t forget I know about Paris and what you did to Claudine.” Justin stepped forward and seized hold of Alistair’s shirt. “Innocence does not become you brother. And you’ve pulled this stunt before, I take it you’ve become bored with the appearance of piety.”

  Alistair sniffed disdainfully as he glanced down at Justin’s hands, unimpressed by the strength that held him. “So what if I warned the whore? It’s bad luck to get involved with you. Consider Honesty and all those other blue blood sluts connected to you that have tragically died,” He raised his eyebrow at his brother. “I consider it my duty to remove these unfortunates from your path. Though..” He smiled cruelly. “I do admit it’s entertaining watching your women flap about like injured ducks after receiving my missives.”

  “Well stop or..”

  “Or what? You don’t frighten me Justin. You’re too tender hearted to do anything to me properly and let’s face facts, you can’t.”

  “Don’t test me brother. John is not the only immortal you should fear.” Justin released his brother’s lapels and headed to the stables. After a few moments Alist
air followed, a thoughtful expression on his lips.

  Chapter 26:

  Melissa finally pulled the buggy to a stop once they were out of sight of the large ruin. Her heart still beat at an increased tempo and she took several breaths before she felt able to continue. Around them the trees swayed lightly in a low breeze.

  “Are you well Miss?” Melissa glanced at Rachel and nodded, barely able to trust herself to speak. The things she had discovered flew through her mind in delirious circles, making her head swim, Could it really be true? Was Justin immortal? She wished she could deny all she had seen, but the facts had been laid before her in black and white. His skin had knitted together before her eyes and she couldn’t forget that image. Then there was Alistair, his words made her blood burn with indignation and anger. He had not the right to chastise her.

  “Miss?” Rachel asked, her open face curious and concerned. “Did Lord Lestrade do anything….”

  “He was a perfect gentleman.” Melissa answered. “It was his brother that caused the problem.” She slowed the horses as they moved deeper into the copse. “That man is vile.” Like the shutting of a keep door, her voice signalled the end of the conversation. Both servant and mistress lapsed into silence as the gloom of deep woodland descended over them. The trap trundled over the rough ground in a bone rattling jarring motion and all of Melissa’s attention was on guiding the animals across the hard mud.

  “Miss!” Rachel’s startled cry caused Melissa to jump, pulling the reins tightly and drawing the horses to a sudden halt.

  “God curse it Rachel, what the devil is the matter?” Incensed at the abrupt stop, Melissa turned to her maid.

  “I’m sure there’s someone out here.” Melissa took a breath, remembering her late night visitor, and slowly cast her gaze out around them, taking in the gently swaying greenery carefully. Silence settled once again on the pair as they looked into the cool dim forest. After several moments of careful speculation and seeing nothing out of the ordinary, Melissa turned back to the girl beside her now thoroughly annoyed.

  “It’s probably the gamekeeper or a stray pheasant. For heaven’s sake girl there’s enough trouble at the moment without you jumping at shadows.” She clicked to the horses and the trap moved off. Rachel slumped back in her chair, her eyes all over the forest. She was convinced she had seen someone following them, someone who stayed back out of sight, yet Melissa was in a foul temper and she dared not annoy her further. So Rachel kept a careful watch on the surrounding woodland until they broke from the tree line and trundled over the smooth lawns of the De Vire estate. As the horses moved into a rolling trot, a dark form detached itself from the upper branches of a nearby tree and watched as his quarry reached her home.

  The trap drew up before the large doors and Melissa pulled the buggy to a stop. As the footman helped her down from the cushioned seat, a loud cry echoed from the door.

  “Where have you been girl? I’ve been waiting for an age.” Melissa lifted her face to

  the door and smiled as Sarah hurried from the main house to see her.

  “Out for a drive.”

  “Well I can see that, I’m not blind.” Sarah caught Melissa’s arm in hers and they moved towards the house together.

  “What brings you here?”

  “Well Mother is going to the country for her nerves.” Sarah snorted as she spoke the last word. “And I hadn’t seen you for several days, so I asked to visit. And what happens after I trudge all the way over here? I find you gallivanting around the estate and not ill at all. You utter fraud.”

  Melissa chuckled as Sarah’s well meaning gush of words drowned out her thoughts and worries about her trip out. “I am not. Jane managed to stab me in the side with her knitting needles. I still have bandages.”

  “Hmm.” Sarah replied. “I’m not convinced, but whatever you say.” They moved through the doors and headed towards the parlour. “I have had a wonderful few days and I must tell you all about it.”

  “Oh ho, I knew there was another reason for your visit. So who are you romancing now?” Melissa chuckled as a look of chagrin crossed her friend’s features. They traversed the long hallway and Melissa removed her outer coat, handing it over to a servant.

  “Don’t be so nasty. It’s not a romance.”

  Melissa raised her eyebrows, disbelief implicit in every line of her face.

  “Oh all right.” They moved into the parlour and Sarah sat on one of the long couches. “It is a man, but it’s not a romance.” She shifted excitedly on the brocade seat, clearly eager to impart her news. Melissa waited, knowing that silence would be intolerable to her friend.

  “Well go on make a guess.”

  “I wouldn’t even know where to begin.”

  “I’m getting married!” A delighted shriek poured from her mouth and Melissa found herself smiling in return. Behind them, a tray of sweets, cakes and tea were placed on the nearby tables.

  “Oh I’m so glad. Who to? Henry Wickford or Anthony Cornridge?”

  Sarah waved her hands dismissively as Melissa said both names. “Neither, Percy Chalmsford.”

  Melissa found her mouth dropping open in pleased surprise. Percy Chalmsford was Sarah’s preferred choice and not one that had particularly pleased her mother. “Oh Sarah I’m so pleased for you.”

  “Oh so am I.” Sarah rattled on, about how he had spoken well to her father. How he had made a good showing of himself, despite not having quite the fortune that Sarah’s ambitious mother had hoped for. As her friend babbled on, Melissa found herself tuning her out as her thoughts finally turned inward and what had happened to her that morning.

  “Of course Percy isn’t exactly what Mama hoped for but still it’s the best offer I’ve had… “Sarah’s voice stopped in mid flow and she stared across at her friend with an exasperated sigh. “You’re not listening…”

  “Oh Sarah I’m sorry.” Melissa pulled herself out of her reverie and smiled apologetically at her friend. “I was somewhere else.”

  “I’d say.” Sarah took a long look at her friend and began to smile. “You’re thinking about a man aren’t you?”


  “Come on you can tell me..” Sarah hunched forward and stared eagerly across the room at her. “I tell you all about my loves, its time you told me about yours.”

  “That’s not it.”

  “Rubbish.” Sarah pushed aside the small pile of needlepoint and looked directly at her friend. “You’ve been in your own dream world all afternoon. Either it’s a man or..” she shrugged as though she could not conceive of anything else taking up her friends attention. “Well?”

  “All right,” Melissa finally said with a sigh of exasperation, “since you’re so insistent. I was thinking about Justin Lestrade.”

  “Really… but you’ve only seen him the once.”

  “Well not quite.” Melissa admitted as she tidied her skirts. “You remember the carriage accident several days ago.” She certainly wasn’t going to admit that she had travelled out to meet him that morning.

  “What about it?”

  “Justin saved us from a long wait on the road. His carriage stopped and picked us up.”

  Sarah was focused now, her attention now fixed on her friend. “And?”

  “He was a perfect gentleman.”

  “Oh lud Melissa do I have to beg for details?” Sarah dragged across the bowl of sweetmeats and delicately tasted one. “This is the first thing of interest that has happened to you, granted it is with that boorish fool but still.. You have to let me know what happened.”