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The Black Lotus (Night Flower) Page 30
The Black Lotus (Night Flower) Read online
Page 30
“Absolutely nothing,” Justin stared up at Marcus with bloodshot eyes, trying to gauge the emotions of Melissa’s older brother. “If you’re about to launch another assault on my person, I would have to advise you that my left rib is possibly cracked should you need a target.”
“No that’s not why I’m here,” Marcus pointed a finger at Justin’s prone form. “Melissa sent me.” Justin drew a small breath and listened more intently. “She is convinced that it was not you.” Marcus chuckled cynically and ran his fingers across his top lip. “How on earth do you manage to inspire such devotion Lestrade?” He leant back against the side of the stall as he spoke.
“I have no idea,” Justin replied, “Just my stunning good looks I fancy.” He twisted his gaze upward, ignoring the screaming pain in his upper shoulders as he stared at Marcus in curiosity. “Is that why you’re here De Vire? Are you after tips for the ladies or…” A trace of leering innuendo rippled through his words as his eyes slowly raked across Marcus’ frame “Are you after something else entirely?” Marcus’ lips curled back into a snarl and he jerked free of the stable wall as though he had been shot.
“Don’t you play with me Lestrade,” His usually soft voice tore from his lips in a vicious growl as he launched himself at Justin and seized hold of his shirt. With his left hand wrapped in a fistful of fabric, he pulled the man forward, drawing a ragged cry of pain from Justin as he did so. Ignoring Justin’s gasp, Marcus jabbed his right forefinger into his captive’s chest. “Right now we are banishing you,” His voice hissed into Justin’s face, sending a small spray of spittle across the other’s skin. “it won’t take much for me to change my mind, drag you outside and put an end to your existence,” He was too angry to see the tiny roll of his captive’s eyes. “Why were you here last night? And I want the truth,”
Justin sighed and rolled his head back, away from the sparkling green eyes that were so like Melissa’s. He was regretting his comments of a few moments ago. Marcus was a decent man who cared for his sister; he did not deserve either Justin’s caustic temper or poor imitation of wit.
“Why do you care?” Justin finally spoke, a husky tired whisper as he rotated his head to face the younger man. “You were fully convinced of my guilt last night, I still have the bruises to prove it,” He glanced down at his bruised and bloody frame. “It is a little late to wonder at my innocence.”
“My sister insists that you could not have assaulted her,” Marcus said, looking at the bruises on Justin’s body with a pang of guilt. With slow movements, he released Justin’s shirt and the other sank back to the floor with a sigh of relief. “She claims that you are shorter than her assailant and therefore it could not have been you in her bedchamber,” Marcus’ voice continued, low and urgent, demanding answers that Justin did not wish to give. “Now either my sister is lying or mistaken,” He pushed an agitated hand through his hair and clasped his hands in front of him. “As Melissa rarely lies, she could have made an error,” He stood and walked away from Justin, pacing his words to the speed of his walk. “She is however, quite insistent that it was not you.” Marcus reached the stall opposite and whirled around to face Justin once more. “So I am here to ask you the truth.” He leant back against the closed stall door and folded his arms across his chest. “What happened?”
Justin glanced at the ground as he struggled to come up with an answer. He was perfectly willing to let Marcus believe that he was responsible for the attack. However he did not wish to tell lies to Melissa’s brother, the man was too amiable to lie to. Granted he was practised in lying, but he was tired of the constant deception. In another time and place; he could have counted Marcus as a friend and ally. He shuffled his feet against the dirty straw and bit his lower lip. He wondered why Melissa had declared his innocence and though he was pleased that she seemed to have forgiven him, it would not serve her reputation if she continued to champion him. Marcus, frustrated by his silence, stepped forward and waved his hand before his face. “Lestrade,” Startled out of his thoughts, Justin returned his attention to the other man.
“Alright,” Justin uttered finally, staring up with blurry vision at Marcus. Shifting his weight slightly to reduce the pain in his upper arms, Justin leant forward as best he could. “I’ll tell you what happened, but I must ask you to promise me something,”
“That depends on what you want.” Marcus replied, hunkering back down beside his captive.
“It’s nothing beyond your power,” Justin assured, wincing as a twitch developed in his shoulders. “I only ask that for your sister’s sake, you exile me as you planned, regardless of what I may say.”
Marcus started, looking at the other man in shock. “What?” He asked in a hushed tone.
“I’m serious,” Justin continued, looking at Marcus intently. “No matter if you believe me or not, you must still continue with your plan to exile me.” Had his hands been free, he would have seized Marcus’ arm. “I will not bring any shame to Melissa.” Marcus stared at him, confusion paramount on his face. Justin almost roared in frustration at the blank look on the other man’s features. “Promise me Marcus that you will still tell people that I am exiled,”
Justin stopped speaking and for a long moment, neither spoke. The horses shifted uneasily in the nearby stalls and the distant conversation of the grooms rumbled indistinctly in the background. Eventually the cloud of confusion lifted from Marcus’ face and reluctantly, he nodded. “I promise,” Justin gave a sigh of relief as the other gestured impatiently for him to speak. “Now tell me,”
“I was on my way home,” Justin began, staring with utter sincerity and conviction into Marcus’ eyes. He would have to employ every method he knew in order to convince Marcus of the half lie he was about to impart. “I returned late from a ball and as I headed for the stables, one of my staff mentioned that he had noted a cloaked figure move cross country towards your estate. Realising the late hour and knowing that visitors would not call so late or so suspiciously, I took it upon myself to follow,”
“Why?” Marcus pressed, his voice still holding the stunned shock of a few moments ago.
“Because of the others,” Justin replied, staring into Marcus’s face with complete honesty. “I know that other women have been assaulted and I was concerned about your sister,” His trapped shoulder muscle fired into a painful cramp and he gasped as waves of agony tore through him. Through gritted teeth, he continued his story, determined to say his piece “I came onto the estate but I was too late to prevent what had happened.” Marcus moved as if to speak, but he subsided and waved for Justin to continue. “I ran into the real assailant as I reached your gardens. I saw him run from the wall of the house and I gave chase. However he saw me approach and,” He nodded down at his damaged body. “Dealt the injuries that you saw.”
Marcus rubbed his bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger and regarded Justin with curious eyes. From the thoughtful look on his face, Justin concluded that he had Marcus half convinced.
“You have to admit that the injuries I have,” Justin mentally thanked John for removing the link and therefore leaving him with visible wounds. “Are not the type sustained in a fall. They show all the hallmarks of a beating,” He smiled ruefully and continued, “Beyond the beating that you and your grooms gave me that is. I have no damage to my legs or lower body only to my face and arms.” Justin stared at Marcus intently. “I would never bring harm to her Marcus and if things were different I would ask for her hand, but I know that cannot happen. I did not assault her and I can’t bring shame upon her.”
Marcus stared at him for a long moment and finally reached forward to release the bonds on Justin’s wrists. Justin’s arms fell to his sides like lead weights and pain raced through his body. A long drawn out moan of pain escaped from between Justin’s bloodied lips as his shoulders screamed in agony.
“Thank you,” he muttered tautly, fire surging along his arms as circulation slowly returned to his limbs.
“You understand why
I believed as I did,” Marcus finally spoke as he watched Justin slump to the floor of the stable in pain.
“Yes, I understand fully,” Justin replied, attempting to lever himself upright with limp, pain wracked arms. “I was on the estate and the real assailant nowhere in sight,” He grunted as he finally gained purchase on the wall and pulled himself into a sitting position. “Had I been in your position, I would have done the same.”
“You’re taking this awfully well,” Marcus muttered,
“How should I take it?” Justin straightened his legs beneath him and grunted at the effort. “I can’t deny that I was somewhere unwanted, I can’t blame you for a conclusion that anyone would have come too.” He placed his hands on the floor and pushed lightly, feeling the prickles of pain run up his arms as he moved.
“Do you really care for my sister?” Marcus asked, leaning back against the wall and watching the other man with curiosity.
“Yes I do,” Justin moved to stand, yet his legs gave way and he slumped back to the floor. Marcus reached forward and offered him his hand. “thank you,” Justin caught hold of the outstretched hand and pulled himself to his feet. His unsteady legs swayed beneath him and he seized hold of the top of the stall to keep himself from falling.
“Then why have you not offered for her?” Marcus placed an arm around Justin’s waist and kept him upright.
“Because my suit would not be welcomed by your father,” Justin replied, his breath whistling painfully from behind his teeth. “I know that Melissa is due for a good match and sadly I am not that.”
Marcus’ lips twitched at Justin’s words, he knew that his father was angling Melissa towards bigger game, but he didn’t really think it was what she wanted. He glanced across at the man stood beside him. With what he knew of Justin’s reputation, he should be sceptical of anything that the young man said, but Melissa believed in him and she wasn’t usually a fool.
“You’re probably right,” He conceded finally, moving Justin to the wall and allowing him to lean against it. “But you have money and a title,”
“But no history,” Justin responded, resting against the wall with a sigh of relief. “My family is not around and my reputation is against me. My home is a ruin; no one would want that for their daughter.” Justin’s voice trailed off as a wave of dizziness rushed through him.
“Lestrade?” Marcus looked at the other man with worry. “Are you able to stand?”
“I’m able to walk,” Justin replied, a familiar mocking grin on his lips. He drew in another long breath and stared directly at Marcus, the grin fading into seriousness. “And I do apologise for my comments earlier, they were churlish and unworthy.”
“Well forget it,” Marcus replied, answering the grin with on of his own. “I daresay if I had spent the night on a stable floor with my arms bound, I would be crotchety.”
“Hm,” Justin chuckled and winced as the movement sent ripples of pain through his body. “We could have been good friends De Vire,” With effort, he pushed himself free of the wall and stood, swaying, in the centre of the stable. “Now its time for you to see me off,” He glanced at Marcus and continued, “You’ll have to thrash me within an inch of my life,”
Marcus stepped back and stared at him. “No, you’re battered enough; I could kill you if I strike you again,”
“Then limit your fists to my face,” Justin replied with some heat. “Remember that they don’t know of what’s occurred and we need to make it look real,”
Marcus bowed his head, staring at the man before him. “Why are you putting yourself through this?”
“Because I can’t have her, but I won’t be responsible for the damage to her reputation and this is the best way.” Justin nodded to the stable door, “Now are we going?” Marcus glanced at Justin’s set features and nodded. With a resigned look, he reached forward and took hold of his upper arm. Justin stepped forward and whispered “Remember to take care of Melissa, Marcus.”
“I will,” Marcus led Justin to the stable door, beyond the wood, they could hear the chortles and talk of the grooms. Reluctantly, Marcus reached for the handle.
“Marcus,” The other man turned to stare at him, “Make it good.”
Melissa’s brother nodded and he turned back to the stable door. Placing his hands on the grainy wood, he hesitated for the briefest of moments. Glancing back at the wounded man, he smiled grimly. “Take care Lestrade,” He whispered as he pushed open the stable door and let them out into the light.
Chapter 34:
“Do you really think that you should watch Miss?” Jane’s mildly disapproving tones resonated through the parlour and interrupted Melissa’s contemplation of the scene below her.
Sprawled in the dust of the stable yard floor and with a bloody nose and lip, Justin lay. Her brother, who had just dealt the blows that had bloodied Justin’s face, stood over him, his face twisted into an expression of utter loathing. Something twisted within Melissa as she stared at her beloved brother and Jane’s disapproving tones did nothing to dispel the growing knot of anger that was building within her breast.
“And why not Jane?” Melissa’s voice, hushed and angry whispered in the space between them. “This is all for my benefit after all.” Marcus delivered a solid kick to Justin’s midsection and Melissa winced, her nails bending painfully as she gripped the windowsill in a in a death grip. “Never mind that Justin is innocent.” She watched the blood pour down from Justin’s split lip and nausea flowed through her. How could her brother do this to him? Was he not injured enough? Blood dripped from his chin and spattered onto the dust of the yard, turning the sand a deep brown. Melissa watched with morbid fascination. Something about that darkening pool of blood held her gaze and sounded a note of discord deep within her bones.
Jane derisive snort recalled her attention and Melissa whipped round from the window to face her, eyes bright with angry unshed tears.
“Oh I’m so sorry Jane,” Melissa declared, her voice saccharine sweet and cutting. “I forgot that you know all of this matter.” Jane stared at her mistress’ bright eyes and, undeterred by her rage, began to speak.
“Lestrade is a bad lot Miss,” Jane spoke with the surety of age and familiarity, few others could speak so freely and Jane used her position without qualm. “He attacked you in your bed and now he’s paying for it.”
“Really?” Melissa walked forward, rage filling her voice as she spoke. “You could really see that it was him?” She stopped just a step away from her maidservant and challenged her with her eyes and voice. “For I did see who it was, only a masked assailant with a knife.” She shrugged her shoulders and continued. “Perhaps you were privy to a completely different assault.”
Jane harrumphed with exasperation and stared at the girl she had brought up from childhood. Her mistress’s moods were well known to her and at this moment, she was displaying all the charming qualities of an ox, stubborn and intractable. “What I know Miss is that he was found outside in the garden, it could only have been him. We know what a danger he is to respectable women.”
“No you don’t,” Melissa snapped back, trying hard to keep a leash on her temper, yet failing at each word from Jane’s lips. She drew a deep breath and briefly closed her eyes, mentally counting out the digits from one to ten. “The man who attacked me was clearly taller than Justin.”
“It were dark Miss.”
“And he stood on a box to assault me, ahh well that explains everything.” Jane winced at the cutting sarcasm that dripped from Melissa’s mouth. “Jane,” Melissa looked at her old nurse’s face and tried once more to explain. “Justin may be a cad,” She ignored the grunt that escaped Jane’s lips and continued. “He may be a cad, but I swear he is innocent of this and I should know.” She ran an agitated hand through her hair. “Yet everyone appears to disregard what I have to say, even though I was there and know what happened.”
“If you forgive me Miss, it was quite dark and confusing. How could you tell height in the dark? A
nd he was discovered on the edge of..”
“Oh yes, I know all of this already,” Melissa interrupted, her calm voice seething once more. “Justin was on the edge of our estate, so clearly he must be responsible. However I know that my attacker had a completely different build and height to Justin. I told this to my father and he took my testimony to mean that I was not attacked, that I had invited Justin to my room.” Melissa cradled the darkening bruise on her cheek and she curled her lip in anger. Her words tripped out of her mouth, falling over themselves in their haste. “He’s only believing the attack story because of Mother and she,” Her voice broke on the last words and she whirled away and began to pace the length of the room.