The Black Lotus (Night Flower) Read online

Page 20

  “Did I thank you properly for your assistance the other night?” Melissa finally broke the silence, her polite cultured tones echoing lightly in the still parlour air. It was a faltering and paltry attempt at conversation and her words sounded weak and feeble. Fervently she wished she could blurt out her troubles, yet it was not done to reveal so much. So instead she fell back on manners.

  “You did.” Justin watched her as he spoke, his practised gaze taking in the tense way she held her hands, the yearning look that was in her eyes. Something wasn’t right here; she was troubled. Yet he could not ask with company in the room. Running a finger thoughtfully over his lips, he cast his eyes towards her butler. It wouldn’t gain them that much time, yet it would be enough. “I could do with a drink,” He announced lightly, hoping that Melissa had caught on to his ploy.

  “Of course, how rude of me,” Melissa sounded dismayed at her lack of manners, yet the tiny twitch at the corner of her mouth indicated that she was fully aware of his ruse. She raised her head and looked over at Walker. “Fetch Lord Lestrade a drink.” The old family retainer stood stiff for a moment, the skin around his eyes creasing lightly.

  “Very well Miss.” He answered, before moving through the door and out of earshot.

  “I thought he would never go.” Justin murmured lightly, his face livening as he leant forward. “Now we can talk.” He cast his eyes towards the door, checking that the butler had gone. Satisfied that they were indeed alone, save for the maid, he returned his gaze to her face.

  “What would you like to talk about?” Melissa’s voice stammered lightly as she spoke, nervous excitement flowing through her voice. Though Rachel was within the room and a supposed witness, they could talk more freely than before.

  “You.” He replied simply, leaning forward in his chair all playfulness gone. “What has happened?” His voice was soft, too low to be heard by the watching maid.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Melissa felt her heart give a violent start at his words. Was she that obvious in her moods? Did everyone realise that something was wrong?

  “You’re unaccountably nervous and I don’t think I’m the cause.” He clarified smoothly, his voice flowing like soft velvet as he dropped into a soothing tone. “It might help to talk about what’s bothering you. I swear that I will not betray a confidence.” Sincerity dripped from every word and he stared at her with serious eyes, the usual mockery missing from his gaze.

  Melissa felt the hard knot of fear in her heart twist as he spoke, felt the impact of those soft promises loosen the heavy weight.

  “You swear?”

  “I do.” It was simply spoken and without drama. Melissa sensed that he meant those two straightforward words with all his heart.

  “The other night I had a visitor,” Her voice dropped low, tense with worry and lingering fear. “He left a note on my pillow,” Justin’s mouth dropped open with shock yet he said nothing, fearing to stop her story before she had begun. “It was a warning to stay away from you,” Her arms crossed her breasts and she clutched her upper arms as though cold. “And he called me a whore,” A single tear trickled from her eye and she brushed it away impatiently. “He managed to climb into my room and leave me a note to warn me away from you.”

  “Have you told your parents?”

  “No..” She denied it vehemently, shaking her head as though angry. “I would lose what little freedom I have and you would never be allowed near.”

  “Some would think that a good thing.” A trace of his old humour flooded back into his tone as he struggled to keep the anger from his voice. It would not do to be angry here, despite the fact that he knew who had broken into her room. It looked as though Emily had been right again.

  “It’s not.” Her words were low, almost whispered and he looked up from his dark musings. “I want to know you.”

  “That may be a mistake.” Of that he was certain; John would relish destroying her before him.

  “I don’t care. I won’t get that much choice with my life and I want to choose something.”

  “That doesn’t matter.” Justin replied angrily. “Someone threatened you and that is serious. You should tell your parents and they will look after you. As for you choosing danger over me, that is not even a consideration. I am not the most considerate of men, yet even I won’t bring harm to you by my presence.” He stood and headed for the door. “Thank you for your company today, I will now leave you in peace.”

  “Justin,” Melissa stood and caught his sleeve. “Don’t. It’s not your fault that this happened and I won’t be warned off.”

  “Then you’re a fool.” Justin pulled away from her grasp and turned to stare at her. “I am not well thought of, it may be better if you leave my company. Certainly your reputation would not suffer if you stayed clear. I am considered a poor choice” A tendril of hair drifted languidly drifted free from the black ribbon tie, Melissa watched it settle against the chocolate coloured riding coat before turning her attention back to him.

  “I think that is the fault of others.” She said finally, twisting her hand in the soft folds of her muslin dress. “You are seductive but I do not see you as a rake. I would feel poorer without your company. Whatever anyone says, you have a good heart and I will not be warned off.”

  “You have a high opinion of me lady.” A mixture of surprise and mockery flooded his voice, as though he were unsure of what he had just heard. “I have a fearsomely poor reputation, both at the gaming table and in love and it is not all falsehood.”

  “But I do not believe that you seduce those unwilling.” Melissa argued back, sure that her reading of his character was right. “You do not corrupt.”

  “You seem to be so sure.” He murmured as he leant forward, his eyes bright with some unnamed emotion. “I am not an angel, lady.” His eyes captured hers and she found herself frozen by the depth of feeling she saw deep within them. Suppressed desire and restraint warred within their dark depths and she felt herself biting her lip nervously. His hot gaze set something buzzing in her veins and she was keenly aware of how close he was. Almost without realising, she leant closer, wanting just once to taste his lips on hers. Justin saw her muscles tense as she moved and he smiled wryly. Carefully he pulled back, taking himself away from her and potential disaster.

  “Do not forget my reputation. These others you speak of will not be as kind as you.” He murmured gently as he restrained the side of him that wanted to pull her into his arms and keep her safe. “Your reputation is far more easily tarnished and I would not want that to happen.”

  “Why?” She felt cheated as he moved away. He could touch Mary Westbury with impunity and yet with her he seemed reluctant. She recalled his teasing of several nights before and wondered why had done so. Yes she knew that her father would never let her marry one such as Justin, yet, she wanted so badly to try one thing that was wild and unconventional.

  “Why?” He echoed her question and chuckled deep in his throat. “You wonder why I seduce the ball butterflies yet consider your reputation?” A harsh mockery laced through his words and he turned back, startling her with the sudden movement. Crossing the room in a short step, he reached her and leant forward, eyes burning. “Do not doubt lady.” His voice was smooth, a seductive purr that flowed through her like honey. “I could treat you with less regard if you should wish.” His fingers slowly ran over her cheek, the motion sending a rush of feeling through her. His eyes were holding hers and they were dark with desire, he leant closer, his breath ghosting over her lips as they came nearer. Melissa caught her breath, anticipating the press of his lips with a mixture of desire and fear. For a long moment he hovered close to her mouth, before he pulled away and lightly brushed her cheek with his lips. The next moment he had gone, moving back across the room to stand beside the window, his eyes watching her carefully.

  Melissa let out a breath and looked up, her heart pounded painfully in her chest and heat suffused her face.

  “But I do not wish t
o ruin you.” Justin’s voice was calm yet beneath the matter of fact tones, Melissa could detect some slight strained emotion.

  “I don’t..” She started speaking yet he interrupted.

  “Is it not obvious?” He asked, harsh anger back in his tone. “Just that one kiss could tarnish your chances of a good match. Even my presence here could affect your reputation. With each scandal you would be affected and while I care little for Westbury and others of her ilk, I would be distressed if I caused your ostracism from polite society. As to the other matter, I would not be the cause of any harm to you. Not when my absence would prevent it.”

  “You care for me?” She looked at him, her eyes puzzled and lost at the revelation.

  “Yes I do.” Justin sighed and slumped back into the chair, a weary and heartsick pain in his gaze as he sank against the cushions. “And believe me, no good will come of it.”


  “Why what?” his dark eyes drifted over her again. “Why do I care or why is this a bad idea?”

  “Both.” Melissa paced in agitation. “Why me and not any of the others?” The nagging feeling that he was playing with her tugged at her mind.

  “Why you?” He threw up his hands and sighed. “Not because of how you look, though you are very attractive. Not because you are new and innocent, though sometimes that does please my jaded soul. You have something within you, a restless spirit, strength of character and compassion. Believe me Melissa, nothing in the world is more rare than that,” He drew a handkerchief from his sleeve and stared down at it. Melissa followed his gaze, noting the yellow age of the lace with curiosity. For a long time he stared at the scrap of fabric, his face blank. The silence lengthened and Melissa ventured to speak.


  He started at the noise and looked across at her. “It wouldn’t work,” The lost tone in his voice was gone, replaced by the devil may care mockery that she had come to associate with him.

  “My father could be persuaded,” She started, thinking that Justin’s fortune would serve as an inducement to the match. “If you change…”

  “Ahh but there’s the rub my dear. I wouldn’t change,” He stood, tucking the handkerchief back into his pocket with a flourish. “I’m not the marrying type. Your father is right to keep you away from me. I will leave you in peace now and I strongly recommend that you forget about me.”

  “How can I?” She shot back, angry at his laissez-faire attitude and mercurial moods. “You came to see me remember. You helped my brother at his duel and you treat me differently to all those others that you play with. You say you care and then you push me away. And let’s not forget that warning from your brother..” It was a random shot in the dark, fired out by anger and the only logical explanation, yet the look of shock on Justin’s face confirmed her suspicion.

  “How do you know it was Alistair?”

  “I saw him at the ball the other night when he warned me from you. It was an absurd coincidence that I received a warning note later that same night. I want to know why he’s frightening me and I want to know why you push me away.” She stopped speaking, her breath coming in sharp gasps fuelled by emotion. Bright tears of anger glittered unshed in her clear eyes and Justin felt something twist within him.

  “What do you want me to say? That my brother would see me lonely, that though I would dearly love to play court to you, I would hurt you more than any other.” He walked forward and ran a finger along her smooth cheek.

  “I have played with you Melissa and for that I am sorry.” He leant forward, cupping her chin in his hands and raising her face to face him.

  “Justin.” His touch burned across her skin and despite her anger, she felt herself moving closer, drawn to his eyes like a moth to flame. “Tell me..” she whispered, low and urgent as he pulled her gently forward, his other hand cradling her cheek.

  “If only I could.” He murmured softly, warm breath ghosting across her lips as he finally gave in and kissed her. Melissa felt her eyes close as his lips met hers. For what seemed like an eternity they stood together, sharing a kiss that was both tender and warm. A cough from Rachel pulled them apart and Melissa hurriedly stepped back from further temptation.

  Ah hem,” The butler’s polite cough drew their attention as he walked through the door, carrying a drink on a silver tray. “Your drink sir,” He held out the tray, his old face creased with barely concealed dislike.

  “Take it away,” Justin said, looking at the man with contempt. “I’m leaving now.” He reached for his hat, fingers closing round it with agitation.

  “Lord Lestrade,” With difficulty, Melissa managed to modify her tone to something more standard. “Are you sure you won’t be staying?”

  “Quite sure.” He drew his hat from the side, catching the edge of a sewing set as he did so. Grasping the bundle in order to return it to the side, he failed to note the shears concealed within the scraps of embroidery. The sharp implements slashed into the ball of his thumb, drawing a cry of pain from his lips and sending bright drops of blood over the white fabric.

  “Justin,” Melissa reached for him. “Walker! Get a bandage!”

  “Yes Miss.” The butler placed the tray on a table and left the room.

  “Let me see.” Melissa seized hold of his hand and dragged it toward her. For a moment all she could see was blood, slick and vivid across the palm and then she saw the wound. A deep yet clean slice dominated her vision. Stunned for only a moment by the shock of her interference, Justin had the presence of mind to draw his hand back and close it but not before Melissa saw the flesh begin to close.

  “What?” Her voice was disbelieving and fearful as the image of rapidly healing skin burned into her mind.

  “I have to go,” Justin pulled away from Melissa and nearly ran for the door. “Forget me.”

  Melissa ran after him, yet to no avail, Justin reached the main doors and headed out of the house. Hindered by her long skirts, she arrived outside just in time to see Justin ride from the stables at a gallop. Troubled deeply by what she had just seen, Melissa returned to the parlour and stared at the bloodied sewing. Who was Justin, why did he pursue her only to push her away and had she really just seen his hand heal? She settled into the chaise longue once more and determined to find out about him, about his secrets and what he meant to her.

  Chapter 23:

  Melissa stared across the gardens in the aftermath of Justin’s hurried exit. Her fingers still grasped the bloodied sampler and she kneaded it carefully, trying to convince herself that she hadn’t seen his flesh knit together.

  “It’s utterly ridiculous...” She murmured aloud as her eyes once again sought the horizon and the boundaries of Justin’s land.

  “Miss?” Rachel spoke quietly from the door.

  “Oh nothing.” Melissa looked up from her brooding to see her maid set a tray of cold cuts onto the sideboard. As the woman set the tray in place, Melissa stood and stepped before her.

  “Thank you for the warning Rachel,”

  “That’s quite all right Miss, the woman replied. “He seems like such a handsome man,”

  “That he is,” She replied as she turned back to her chair. “You may go now.” As the maid left the room, she sat back down. Settling back into the seat, she resumed her perusal of the garden. If only she could have spoken to him alone, without the interference of Walker. Perhaps then she could have garnered some answers. She crumpled the sampler into a tight ball in her fist and stared at nothing. If she could talk to him alone than she could find out some answers, yet that would never happen within her home. There would always be staff nearby keeping a watchful and gossipy eye on her. Walker might even tell her father about Justin’s visit and he would never be allowed near the house again. Nervously she nibbled her bottom lip and weighed up her options. At the moment she was alone and without a chaperone, a state that wouldn’t happen again for a long time. Justin had added further puzzles to be unravelled and she wanted to know more. Her fingers tapped t
he arm of the chair in a staccato beat as an idea bloomed within her mind. Her eyes focused more on the horizon. His house was beyond those trees, her eyes widened slightly as she thought it out further. His house was within an easy ride and she was allowed to ride out alone as long as she stayed on the estate. A small smile played about her lips. Turning from the window, she looked across at Rachel.